Fonti agiografiche antoniane - VI. Testimonianze minori su S. Antonio

Vergilio Gamboso (a cura)
Varia - VARIA
Cod. CSA
Coedizione con Edizioni Messaggero
Il presente volume raccoglie oltre venti testimonianze sparse, provenienti sia dal secolo XIII, sia dal secolo XIV. L'antologia dà la precedenza al biglietto inviato da Francesco al suo ammirato "vescovo" frate Antonio. Seguono poi dieci bolle papali che coinvolgono direttamente o indirettamente il Santo. Sono di seguito riportati gli schemi delle messe celebrate in suo onore e le sequenze recitate o cantate nel rito eucaristico. Si collega alla devozione ufficiale del Comune di Padova lo statuto sui debitori insolventi suggerito da Antonio nel 1231. Altro settore è costituito da un manello di brani, colti da cronache contemporanee o di poco successive, quali le pagine stilate dal coetaneo Rolandino da Padova, dal pittoresco Salimbene de Adam, da Giacomo di Guisa, dall'anonimo francescano di Lanercost, dall'Eccleston; la lettera legatizia "Celebre nomen"; l'encomio di Tommaso "Gallo" di San Vittore e del domenicano Bartolomeo da Trento. Si aggiungono alcuni profili santorali stilati dai minoriti Paolino da Venezia e frate Elemosina. Trattandosi del "Santo dei miracoli", dalla taumaturgia ammirata e invocata dai primordi del suo iter cultuale, è stato raccolta la narrazione di alcuni fatti prodigiosi, alcuni tra i tanti sparsi nei codici medievali. A sigillo del florilegio, uno dei sermoni panegirici, da cui emerge la figura evangelico-devozionale del Santo (attribuito a san Bonaventura)
This volume gathers over twenty scattered testimonies from the 13th and 14th centuries. The anthology gives precedence to the note sent by Saint Francis to his much admired "bishop", friar Anthony. Ten papal bulls follow which either directly or indirectly involve the saint. Next, the format of Masses celebrated in his honor and the sequences recited or sung in the Eucharistic rite are presented. The statute concerning insolvent debtors, which was proposed by St. Anthony in 1231, is connected to the official devotion by the City of Padua. Another part consists of a series of passages, gathered from chronicles of the time such as the pages written by the contemporary Rolandino da Padova, the picturesque Salimbene de Adam, Giacomo di Guisa, the anonymous Franciscan of Lanrecost, Eccleston, the "Celebre nomen" letter, the commendation by Tommaso "Gallo" di San Vittore and the famous Dominican Bartolomeo da Trento. This includes certain saintly profiles written by Friars Minor Paolino da Venezia and Elemosina. Since St. Anthony is the "Saint of miracles", the narration of prodigious facts was gathered from the thaumaturgy, much admired and invoked from the beginning of devotion to the saint. These are only some of the many that are scattered in medieval manuscripts. As a seal to the Florilegio, one of the panegyric sermons, from which the evangelical-devotional figure of St. Anthony (attributed to St. Bonaventure) emerges.
This volume gathers over twenty scattered testimonies from the 13th and 14th centuries. The anthology gives precedence to the note sent by Saint Francis to his much admired "bishop", friar Anthony. Ten papal bulls follow which either directly or indirectly involve the saint. Next, the format of Masses celebrated in his honor and the sequences recited or sung in the Eucharistic rite are presented. The statute concerning insolvent debtors, which was proposed by St. Anthony in 1231, is connected to the official devotion by the City of Padua. Another part consists of a series of passages, gathered from chronicles of the time such as the pages written by the contemporary Rolandino da Padova, the picturesque Salimbene de Adam, Giacomo di Guisa, the anonymous Franciscan of Lanrecost, Eccleston, the "Celebre nomen" letter, the commendation by Tommaso "Gallo" di San Vittore and the famous Dominican Bartolomeo da Trento. This includes certain saintly profiles written by Friars Minor Paolino da Venezia and Elemosina. Since St. Anthony is the "Saint of miracles", the narration of prodigious facts was gathered from the thaumaturgy, much admired and invoked from the beginning of devotion to the saint. These are only some of the many that are scattered in medieval manuscripts. As a seal to the Florilegio, one of the panegyric sermons, from which the evangelical-devotional figure of St. Anthony (attributed to St. Bonaventure) emerges.